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Group hosts free student workouts in Amphitheater

Last updated September 19, 2012

By Furman News

SEPTEMBER 19, 2012
by Shannice Singletary, Contributing Writer

“Alright one more set!” called out Natalie Malafronte, part Furman sophomore and part 9-round fitness trainer last Thursday  as she led a group of about 50 through a intense cardio workout.

“Eight more!” she yelled out to a chorus of half-hearted groans, as the crowd hurried to match her frantic pace. Despite the intensity of the workout, it was a fun-filled and high energy environment that motivated everyone to try for one more set.

Every Thursday in September be prepared to sweat, work and have a laugh or two. Last Thursday was the first in a series of three classes being held by the student health organization on campus.  Phokus, (promoting healthy options through knowledge, understanding and service) has claimed September to be fitness month. Throughout the month, group exercises classes will be held at the amphitheatre as part of their September “fitness under the stars” promotion.

“We’re super psyched! We wanted to have a bigger presence on campus,” quipped Maddie Gabor, co-president of Phokus.

Their promotion aims to do just that by encouraging students to come out, have fun and get active every Thursday night.

Gabor says it’s a great way to not only burn calories, but manage stress.  Besides encouraging more students to get active, Phokus also seeks to redefine what makes a healthy college experience, and encourage students to explore the many on campus options available to them.

“(This year) we’re going to focus on mental, sexual, physical health- all kinds of health because being healthy at college should be important,” Say Hayley Cunningham, president of Phokus.

The next group exercise class, Yoga, will be held 8-9 p.m.  tomorrow in the amphitheater.

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