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Why study Plato?

Last updated February 17, 2016

By Furman News

FEBRUARY 28, 2012

Why is Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, still relevant today?

Catherine Zuckert, Nancy Reeves Dreux Professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame and Editor-in-Chief of The Review of Politics, will explain during a 4:30 p.m., Wednesday lecture to be held in the University Center’s Watkins Room.

Zucker is the author of half a dozen books, including the massive Plato’s Philosophers: the Coherence of the Dialogues, which won The Association of American Publishers’ “R. Hawkins Award” for the Best Scholarly Book Published in 2009. Plato’s Philosophers also received awards for “Excellence in the Humanities,” “Best Book Published in Philosophy,” and “Outstanding Academic Title” from Choice in 2009.

Zuckert received her B.A. from Cornell University and her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, and has taught at Cornell University, Fordham University, the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Carleton College, the University of Notre Dame, and several other institutions.

The event is co-sponsored by the Cicero Society and the Tocqueville Program.

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